Minnesota police trained by Israeli police, who often use knee-on-neck restraint

Minn cops trained by Israeli police, who often use knee-on-neck restraint
Israeli Border Police kneeing and beating a Palestinian

By Alison Weir, June 2, 2020

Over 100 Minnesota law enforcement officers attended a 2012 conference organized by the Israeli consulate in which Israeli police trained them. Israeli forces often use the knee-on-neck restraint on Palestinians…

Israel has been training law enforcement officers around the US for many years, despite the fact that Israeli forces have a long record of human rights violations…

The neck technique taught by Israeli trainers was in the Minneapolis police manual…

Meanwhile, Congress is poised to pass a bipartisan $38 billion package to Israel…

Read five reports collated by Alison Weir.

Derek Chauvin-AFP or licensors SM
Israeli military violently detaining a Palestinian













Everyone knows that the police officers who killed George Floyd never would have been fired or arrested if a courageous black girl had not filmed the incident on her phone and posted it to social media.

—Michelle Alexander

Ending US-Israel Police Partnerships, Reclaiming Safety  (A campaign directed by Jewish Voice for Peace)

Researching the American-Israeli Alliance

Researching the American-Israeli Alliance (RAIA)

More here @EyeOnPalestine

And here from Jewish Voice for Peace about foregrounding racism in the United States.

And here from the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

An opportunity to deeply investigate the connections between the security forces of Israel and the United States—Beyond Connecting the Dots, July 18, 2020, 12-7:30 pm (East Coast USA time)

BTW: How interesting that the police officer who murdered George Floyd is named Chauvin.  Most people now know the term “male chauvinism,” but “chauvinism” without “male” predates that term by about two centuries.  Nicolas Chauvin, a French soldier, was a passionate admirer of Napoleon.  His name is enshrined in the word chauvinism, which came to mean extreme nationalism, hatred of minorities and other nations, and endorsement of militarism, imperialism, and racism.  Whether or not officer Derek Chauvin is descended from Nicolas Chauvin, he seems to be his philosophical heir.  It is a philosophy that we are better off without.

—Eva S. Moseley

United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network


Who We Are
At a Glance: Events at UCC’s 2005 General Synod convinced a few activists of the need for a grass-roots organization to promote justice for Palestinians and to support Global Ministries partners in Palestine and Israel. This concern led to the founding of the UCC Palestine/Israel Network in 2012. The effort was supported by staff from UCC’s Wider Church Ministries as well as Justice and Witness Ministries.


What We Do
At a Glance: Our work is aligned with our mission statement. We initiate resolutions of witness for consideration by various settings of the UCC; support implementation of adopted resolutions; develop educational materials for use throughout the UCC; publicly state, support and endorse pro-justice positions; and cooperate with allied groups working toward a just peace and recognition of Palestinian human rights.


In photos: Israel’s war on nonviolent resistance in Hebron

BY Claire Thomas The Electronic Intifada Hebron (May 2016)

Issa Amro is committed to peaceful resistance to the Israeli occupation in his native West Bank city of Hebron, despite frequent arrests, attacks by settlers and other unrelenting efforts to sabotage his work.

“Nonviolence is the best tool because it strengthens civil society and it gives a role to each person: the kids, the women, the elders and the youth. With nonviolent activities you get more international support and you neutralize the violence of the oppressor,” he explained….


Israeli soldiers respond to a group of young Palestinian boys throwing stones from a nearby street.

Israel indicts Palestinian teen activist Ahed Tamimi

By , in Aljzeera, Jan 2, 2018

Palestinian activist Ahed with her mother Nariman [Al Jazeera]

(This reminds me strongly of the Children’s Crusade in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963 during the Freedom Struggle in the US —Skip Schiel’s note)

Israeli authorities are seeking 12 charges against Ahed Tamimi, a prominent 16-year-old Palestinian activist filmed slapping and kicking two Israeli soldiers in the occupied West Bank. Continue reading “Israel indicts Palestinian teen activist Ahed Tamimi”

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